
Things I've done while babywearing

I'm a fan. I like almost all of the ones I've tried. My go-to, the Ergo has lasted me through two children...but to be honest, I've even used it for piggy-backing my (then) 4 year old around. So, all three have been in it. Here's a list of the things I've done while wearing my baby (or child): 

  • Grocery shopped
  • Washed dishes
  • Cooked breakfast
  • Cooked lunch
  • Cooked dinner
  • Cooked anything
  • Loaded/unloaded the dishwasher
  • Picked up legos off of the floor
  • Used a public restroom (ew)
  • Spent the day at Disneyland
  • Breastfed while walking...through Disneyland
  • Built Santa's workshop out of Legos 
  • Built many things out of legos
  • Carried a screaming toddler out of a birthday party 
  • Unloaded the car full of children/groceries/shopping bags
  • Worn #2 while pregnant with #3 up and down the neighborhood's "death hill" to take #1 to school
  • Successfully transferred from carrier to crib a delightful sleeping babe
  • Put up the Christmas tree
  • Decorated the Christmas tree

...pretty much, all of it. All the things. Including...writing this post. While wearing a baby.